programming semantics

英 [ˈprəʊɡræmɪŋ sɪˈmæntɪks] 美 [ˈproʊɡræmɪŋ sɪˈmæntɪks]




  1. Programming today is less about learning the syntax and semantics of a programming language, such as Java, than about learning the APIs and capabilities of libraries for that language.
  2. Each is pretty reasonable for certain programming contexts, even though the syntax and semantics of each is so radically different from the others.
  3. That is, they use their favorite programming language to code the Web services implementations and then derive the Web service semantics from the implementation using vendors'tools.
  4. Note that because of SCA, your favorite programming language can easily be extended to incorporate BPEL semantics.
  5. When faced transiting to a new programming language, programmers first need to adapt themselves to the syntax and semantics convention of the language.
  6. Denotational semantics describes the semantics of a programming language in afunctional way, but the first-order temporal logic expresses the semantics of a prog-ramming language in a logical way.
  7. Following the guarded commands, an abstract model of dynamic fuzzy logic programming language is given, which includes the syntax and dynamic fuzzy semantics.
  8. Most model languages in the textbooks of monographs on programming semantics are so tiny languages, which cannot help to clarify the traits of real programming languages, for they failed to be used to write ordinary programs.
  9. A practical parallel logic programming environment on SUN workstation-PARLOG sequential compiling system ( PSCS) is presented with a description of PARLOG semantics, AND/ OR tree computational model and a process scheduling algorithm.
  10. Abstract interpretation is related to logic programming closely, and it plays an important role in the study of semantics of logic programs.
  11. Therefore, this thesis emphasizes the study to build up a semantics description integration environment. It can handle various programming language, withdraw the semantics information of the customer concern from the software source codes.
  12. A new method which utilizes weight constraint programming based on Answer Set semantics to automatically resolve the policy conflict is proposed.
  13. Constrasted with other semantics theories of nonmonotonic logic programming, Answer Set semantics, the kernel of Answer Set programming technology, is concise and simple, and fully utilizes the fruits acquired by the logic programming community, and effectively realizes nonmonotonic reasoning of the logic program.